Designed with

Significance & Simplicity


About me

I am a graphic designer that specializes in church and ministry designs.

Whether it is designing a website, sermon graphic, or outreach materials, churches have an important message that needs to be shared!

I work to make that message visually appealing, while being true to the message itself.

Sermon Graphics

As useful as good graphics can be, poorly made illustrations and grainy clip art can distract from the message and actually do more harm than good. As a preacher myself, I understand the significance of the sermon. I help pastors present their sermon topics well.


Church Bulletins

Unfortunately, there is rarely a churchmember available with the skills or the free time to professionally create this important resource. As these will likely be handed to a visitor and taken home by attendees, it is important that it represents the church well. I help churches ensure that their bulletins are easy to access, and visually appealing, and are as effective as they should be.


Church Websites

Every church needs a website... not every church needs an elaborate, super-complicated website.I help churches create a website that fits their needs and does so without breaking the budget.


Church Apparel

I help churches ensure that their bulletins are easy to access, and visually appealing, and are as effective as they should be.